Barrel Racing Trainer

Barrel Racing is a race to maneuver around three barrels on a triangular shape in an arena. The competition can come down to the thousandths of a second as riders sprint at top speed around these barrels. Between the careful tight turns around barrels and explosive movements to reach beyond a full gallop, the strength of the relationship between horse and rider is put to the test. The combination of athleticism of the horse and horsemanship skills of the rider are put on full display as horse and rider motorcycle around barrels, inches from the ground. The team with the fastest time and no fallen barrels wins.

Barrel Racers love the indescribable feeling they get when running barrels. The strong partnership between the horse and rider in combination with the speed and adrenaline makes the sport so thrilling and incredible. Ultimately, riders strive to accomplish the challenge of successfully utilizing the skills practiced while going as fast as possible.
Much like other equestrian disciplines, Barreling Racing is for any rider of any age. The Nation Barrel Horse Association divides the ages of competitors into four classes: Youth 4-D for ages ranging from 0-12, Teen for ages ranging from 13-18, Open 4-D for any age rider, and Senior for riders above the age of 50.

While Barrel Racing is for any age, the skill level to compete needs to be advanced. Between the explosive takeoffs to and from each barrel as well as the tight turns around each barrel, riders not only need to be very capable of handling their horse at full gallop, they need to be able to trust and communicate well with their horse.
Trainers that specialize in Barrel Racing should not only teach riders about how to master the pattern, but also how to develop horsemanship skills to create a stronger relationship with their horse(s).
Aspiring barrel racers should ask their trainer if they can best assist you in achieving your goals in this sport. Make sure your trainer not only has the right training and horses, but can also help you accomplish your goals in the show ring.