Cutting Trainer
Cutting is a western sport where riders separate a group of cows from the herd and block the cows from returning as long as possible. Competitors on cutting horses work as a team to chase, pivot, and block sprinting cows. Riders lesson with their own group of “fresh” cows to train their horses to develop a “cow sense.” “Fresh” cows refer to cows that have never been around horses which typically makes the cows yearlings because the young cows will react to the horse’s movements faster. Cutting horses are trained to have a “cow sense” in order to recognize the cow with motivation to do the job. Between managing a herd of cattle and training horses to develop the “cow sense”, cutting is an intense sport that requires full-time dedication.

The National Cutting Horse Association has a NYCHA program (the ‘Y’ standing for Youth) that allows for young riders to get involved and be successful in the sport. The NYCHA promotes young riders to learn and develop capabilities in the breeding, training and showing of cutting horses.
Cutting is not a sport riders can jump into on their own. The sport requires an immense amount of training for both horse and rider since they will be working with other riders and cows in the arena. Riders need to be able to handle the dramatic movements of their cutting horse: the short sprints and sudden breaking and pivoting.
Cutting and Team Penning are very similar as both timed sports include separating cows from the herd. However, Team Penning requires riders to herd a select group of cows into a separate pen from the rest of the herd in under 60 seconds whereas Cutting requires riders to keep a few cows away from the herd as long as possible.
Because of the dedication to training for this sport, riders need a trainer that specializes in cutting to pursue it. Trainers in this sport need to have years of experience to be qualified for teaching such an intense sport. They should also be able to assist riders in finding the right tack and horses as well as have facilities for riders to lessons at and keep cows.