Pole Bending Trainer
Pole Bending is an event where horse and rider weave through a line of six poles, circling the end poles twice before racing to the finish line. The timed event challenges the agility of the horse in addition to speed. Knocking a pole incurs a five-second penalty. Horse and rider can start on either side of the first pole, but must complete the serpentine pattern correctly or they will be disqualified.

This sport requires a strong relationship between horse and rider as they need to communicate well to pass side to side through the pole and nail the tight turns at each end while moving as fast as possible as they race against the timer.
Any age group can participate in Pole Bending as it is similar to Gymkhana.
Competitors need to be able to handle their horses at full gallop while balancing their horse through the poles 21 feet apart and tightly turning around the end poles. Between the explosive movements and quick turns around the poles, riders need to have strong horsemanship skills and be very handy with their horse.
While Gymkhana does incorporate poles in the patterns, it also involves other obstacles and the patterns are constantly changing whereas Pole Bending consists of one pattern of only poles.
Trainers that specialize in Pole Bending should not only teach riders about how to master the pattern, but also how to develop horsemanship skills to create a stronger relationship with their horse(s).